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Sermon Outlines
How to be a World changer

Are you ready to change the world?
As you work toward completing your 40-Day Challenge, think beyond just those 40 days. The principles in the Challenge are useful every day, and developing those into a lifestyle will help make you a world changer!

The eight topics below outline how, if you have a true relationship with God, you can become a world changer.

Who's Your Daddy?
You must have a relationship with God that is both real and personal. Have God as your Dad.

Mustard Seeds...
...and mountain movers. You have to believe God can and will use you. But only if you let him.

Talkin' With God
You have to be able to communicate with God. Here's the how and why.

Who Are You... the dark? You have to be a person of integrity. Here's how to do it.

Don't Be A Wimp!
You have to be bold in your walk with God, but what makes a bold Christian?

Are You Committed?
Can you spell commitment? To be a world changer, you have to live a life of commitment.

Are You A Lego?
Like Legos, you are one very important piece in something bigger, but you have to be involved now.

Got Significance?
Are you successful or significant? To be a world changer, you must have a vision for the world.