Boot Camp | Commissioning Day | See You At The Pole


DAY 8: Pick It Up

Pick up trash you see in the halls and classrooms. Pick up after others, whether or not they deserve it. Do this all day long. This day is to serve others and become more like Jesus. Wear your "Yes, I Believe In God" T-shirt today.
Serve Pillar

...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


  • Pick up trash, such as, coke cans, candy wrappers, etc.
  • The reason you are "picking up" is because you care about your school and it's your "Random Act of Kindness."
  • "Share the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words."
    (A quote of St. Francis of Assisi who was trying to explain how important it is that we show the power of God through our lifestyle before we start talking to someone about it.)

"'s a great experience. When a friend and I did the one challenge to pick up in the cafeteria, it impacted every-one. It's an awesome thing."
— High School Student, from the Online Survey

Pick up trash around your work place, at the store or around your neighborhood.

For Your Journal
What happened today? Did you find that you have a clean or littered school?