Boot Camp | Commissioning Day | See You At The Pole


DAY 33: Community Service

Did you realize The 40 Day Challenge could help you fulfill your community service hours for school? Service projects are fun and meaningful for all involved. You need to get this day organized with your youth leader in advance. Have everyone meet right after church. Two things to bring:

  1. A change of clothes.
  2. One of your friends from school whom you've been inviting to church and youth group.
Serve Pillar
Serve whole-heartedly, as if you were serving the Lord and not men. Ephesians 6:7


  • Clean up a local street or vacant lot.
  • Visit a retirement home.
  • Serve a meal at a soup kitchen.
  • Plant flowers or trees at a local park.
  • Paint the senior adult Sunday School room.
  • Put on a great game day and program for the children at the church and their friends.

Do a service project today. If your church does not have one planned for today, take your prayer partner and do a project yourselves.

For Your Journal
What happened today? What activity did you do?

Want to Go Extreme This Week?
If you would like to take The 40-Day Challenge even further this year, login at Extreme Days. Every Sunday, we'll supply the password for the week and you can go above and beyond the call of duty with a bigger and better Extreme Day Challenge. The Extreme Challenges can be fun and exciting and usuallly involve getting a group together. The access code is: VIDEOTAPE